Page 16 - SMJ
P. 16
An OngOing BAttle fOr AcceptAnce
I oppose gay/lesbian advocacy. I don’t think it is natural as per Indian
beliefs. It is just a skewed mentality which needs to be addressed at
adolescence. I will simply ask a few questions. What is the future of
gay/lesbian relations? Will they reproduce? If not, they will by default
get secluded in society. And when they age or when one of them passes
away, what will happen to the other one? So basically, it will neither be
giving back to nature which created sex for reproduction nor to the
society which will be left with a few lonely individuals.
Being a human I can’t allow gay or lesbian marriages and their
community in India. I would request you not to promote this activity
in India; it is a by-product of a Western mind. Lesbian and gay
production happens when they are misguided for sex or not corrected
properly at the time of hormonal changes. You should study the
human hormonal change pattern in lifestyle with effect of atmosphere
or family environment of the person.
Please bring scientific ideology in and see the results. If results
come positive then accept homosexuality. As far as God’s creation is
concerned, he created a male and female in humans and animals to
fulfil sexual desires for a reason. The reason is to bring a new life in the
world. By having same-sex relations, the end result does not come out.
Imagine if everyone turned gay and lesbian, the world would come to
an end in a few years. Well, I am in big favour of bringing their real
existence out in the society but when it comes to physical relationships
with the same sex, I can’t support it because that’s just a desire and it
will bring harm to the individuals and to society.
I oppose gay/lesbian advocacy. I don’t think it is natural as per Indian
beliefs. It is just a skewed mentality which needs to be addressed at
adolescence. I will simply ask a few questions. What is the future of
gay/lesbian relations? Will they reproduce? If not, they will by default
get secluded in society. And when they age or when one of them passes
away, what will happen to the other one? So basically, it will neither be
giving back to nature which created sex for reproduction nor to the
society which will be left with a few lonely individuals.
Being a human I can’t allow gay or lesbian marriages and their
community in India. I would request you not to promote this activity
in India; it is a by-product of a Western mind. Lesbian and gay
production happens when they are misguided for sex or not corrected
properly at the time of hormonal changes. You should study the
human hormonal change pattern in lifestyle with effect of atmosphere
or family environment of the person.
Please bring scientific ideology in and see the results. If results
come positive then accept homosexuality. As far as God’s creation is
concerned, he created a male and female in humans and animals to
fulfil sexual desires for a reason. The reason is to bring a new life in the
world. By having same-sex relations, the end result does not come out.
Imagine if everyone turned gay and lesbian, the world would come to
an end in a few years. Well, I am in big favour of bringing their real
existence out in the society but when it comes to physical relationships
with the same sex, I can’t support it because that’s just a desire and it
will bring harm to the individuals and to society.