Since 1975, Bangalore-based The Concerned for Working Children has worked on various issues related to children's rights including child labour and education, with a special emphasis on children's right to self–determination. The organization's efforts have been recognized internationally as well—it has been nominated thrice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
In a first-of-its-kind intervention in India, CWC encouraged children to participate in local governance by setting up children's panchayats and gram sabhas in Karnataka. These gram sabhas have enabled children to participate in the planning, implementation and budgetary allocations of their panchayats.
CWC also promotes the decentralization and devolution of power to local governments through the Grama Panchayat Hakkotaya Andolana (The Movement for the Self-Determination of Local Governments) and voters' rights campaigns. GPHA plays an important part in ensuring that the voices of the marginalized are heard. In 2010, it launched the 'Me & My VOTE are NOT for SALE' campaign in Karnataka to generate awareness on panchayat elections. In 2014, the campaign was launched nationally. For more about the campaign, click here.
Get involved:
Tel: +91 80 25234611
Website: http://www.concernedforworkingchildren.org | http://myvoteisnotforsale.co.in
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/workingchildren | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Me-My-VOTE-are-NOT-for-SALE/435686833231455
Twitter: https://twitter.com/workingchildren | https://twitter.com/VoteNOTforSALE