She was being treated like a guinea pig with experimental medication, drug after drug with no result. Her condition became critical and unstable with the family watching her helplessly and living under inhuman stress of seeing a loved one leaving her life gradually.
Ela Tiwari
B-1/2-69 Sector K
Aliganj Lucknow UP
I have no desire to pursued any case nor I am looking for compensations, My only wish is to update and let people be aware about Hospital Horrors in India. There is a lack of absolute accountability in health care system in India. I am a Canadian citizen and Physicians do commit errors in US and Canada as well, but sense of responsibility is present in addition Physicians does not act like criminals.
Ever since, I have discussed with Dr Amit Gupta, SGPGI about unprofessional ethics of Nephrologist Dr Debashish Saha, I am getting anonymous phone threats until this date. These callers are unknown to me as phone numbers and their CALLERS are nameless nevertheless the Police have indentified few names of callers and at least three phone numbers belongs to Doctors IN LUCKNOW.
On September 24th 2010, my 84 year Mother suffered a mild TIA (Brain stroke) which passed by itself with in 2 hours. Following the stroke she was taken to the Awadh Heart Hospital 9 Singar Nagar Alambagh, Lucknow UP, for CT Scan, MRI and other tests for proper diagnosis. The diagnosis, a mild TIA, with no traces of clotting in the brain. The medications were given by the neurologist Dr Ratish Kumar from Awadh Heart Hospital 9 Singar Nagar Alambagh Lucknow UP, until next check up. With in three days a reaction to medication developed and she developed severe constipation, when I called her physician Dr. Sushil Gattani, partner of Awadh Heart Hospital who also has been treating her since past seven years, he asks me to administer 20 ml of enema, this resulted into chronic diarrhoea and severe electrolyte imbalance, a renal failure hazard to a Chronic Kidney Disease patient.
Once more on the October 2th 2010, I got my mother admitted to Awadh Heart Hospital 9 Singar Nagar Alambagh, Lucknow UP, for chronic diarrhoea and electrolyte imbalance. After getting admitted she was administered 2000 ml of I.V. at the infusion rate of 100 ml. of Glucose, saline and potassium fluid with in two hours, and was released the same day.
On the October 3rd 2010 around noon she started getting breathless and by 8 PM in the evening was unable to breathe. Her condition was severely affecting the vital centers in the brain and disruption of regulatory activities that are carried out by the brain with shortness of breath, wheezing , high blood pressure and a widened pulse pressure. I call the Family physician Dr. Sushil Gattani again , and updates him, over the phone he informs me that my Mother is having a Heart Attack and I need to admit her immediately. In the mean time I was asked to give her an intravenous injection of Dytor and Deryphyllin. With in minutes we rushed her to hospital and she was readmitted to ICCU. After all the tests, ECG and ECO she was diagnosed as having a Heart Attack.
We stayed in the hospital ICCU for 14 days under the impression that she suffered a heart attack. Her condition deteriorated from bad to worse her electrolyte imbalance reached its peak and renal functions deteriorated due to persistent diarrhoea since last 14 days.
She was being treated like a guinea pig with experimental medication, drug after drug with no result. Her condition became critical and unstable with the family watching her helplessly and living under inhuman stress of seeing a loved one leaving her life gradually. At this point internist Dr. Kumar (Awadh Heart Hospital 9 Singar Nagar Alambagh, Lucknow UP ) informs me us that soon there could be seizures, irreversible brain damage, coma and eventual death. On the other hand the only Nephrologist, present at that hospital, Dr. Debashish Saha seemed to be at a total loss to understand her critical condition.
When Dr Sushil Gattani, returns from a vacation we have a discussion and he informs us, for the first time that my mother needs a Pacemaker immediately. At this point I decide to consult another Nephrologist Dr Amit Gupta from SGPGI in the city and decide to transfer my Mother immediately to SGPGI Raibareilly Road Lucknow U.P. on October 17th 2010. The nightmare does lessens here. At the time of admission she was , Suffering from chronic diarrhoea, severe electrolyte imbalance, an renal failure.
At, SGPGI Raibareilly Road Lucknow UP , a junior Resident informs us that she needs to go for an Angioplasty with in a week. Although Dr. Aditya Kapoor, Senior Cardiologist (at SGPGI Lucknow UP), over rules it and upon examination finds that she NEVER SUFFERED HEART ATTACK IN PAST FIVE YEARS , hence No requirement of a PACEMAKER EITHER.
Much later we learnt that my Mother suffered from symptoms of Heart Attack because of over dose and flooding of Fluid in the body, the lungs were unable to take so much of glucose, saline and potassium through Intra venous. Although, Pulmonary Edema is equally dangerous for an elderly patient.