The United Nations' annual statistics on honour killings from across the world state that one in five cases comes from India. Himmat Mahila Samooh, based in Rohtak, Haryana, is fighting to put an end to the atrocities committed against married and unmarried couples.
With the funds raised through the show, the organization has bought a new office space where it conducts counselling sessions for survivors of sexual assault and honour killings.
Across the state of Haryana, it has hosted seminars and discussions on intercaste marriages as well as campaigned for the benefits of blood donation. Vocational training has been provided to Anganwadi workers and self-help groups have been formed.
And it is with the help of Himmat Mahila Samooh that many couples have married without the fear of family or society.
"There are few voices speaking out against crimes happening in the name of honour. In spite of this situation, people from across the country have extended unprecedented support, encouraging us further."
- Jagmati Sangwan, President, Himmat Mahila Samooh
About Himmat Mahila Samooh
Set up in 2007, Himmat Mahila Samooh is an organization based in Rohtak, Haryana. It works towards making women economically self-reliant and socially aware. It also helps break down caste barriers and enables men and women to choose their own partners. The NGO's other objectives include organizing research activities, and disseminating knowledge about the role of women in agriculture, industry, health and environment, among other fields.
Tel: +91 94670 94690
Email: himmatngo@gmail.com
Website: http://himmatngo.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/himmatngo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/himmatngo
Your Contribution
Rs 58 lakh approx. was raised through Satyamev Jayate's viewers and Reliance Foundation.