Page 35 - index
P. 35
I am a medical officer in Maharashtra. My father is a bank manager. My sister who is a dentist got
married in the year 2006. A dowry of Rs ten lakhs and gold had been given. A few days after the
wedding, the groom started saying, “Your father has not given money as per our status. The wedding
ceremony was done badly and less goods were given.” My sister endured this. She had a daughter in the
year 2008.
After the birth of a female child, the ill-treatment increased. A few times, her husband, his father and his
two sisters together beat her up. And yet, my sister wants to live with him because she is an Indian
female and also for the sake of her daughter. So, we have now taken a protection order from the court.
I am a doctor and I am fighting for my divorce just because of the miserable dowry system. My husband
and his mother made my life hell within two months of the wedding. She forced me to build a house for
them since they were living in a rented house. There were many other demands. But I’m proud of myself
for taking a stand.
My lawyers asked me to take back my dowry harassment complaint saying that no one will be punished
in dowry cases. Within six months of our wedding, the torture began. They stopped talking to me, beat
me and threw me back in my parents’ home and did not come to take me back.
My parents apologised to my in-laws even though it was not their fault. My parents gave them a BMW
car on the wedding day. They bore all the wedding expenses. Even then, my in-laws demanded one kg
gold a few days before the wedding and so much more after the wedding.
I can remember the horrible first day I had at my husband’s home. It was the usual story – “Your father
didn’t give you anything”. This, even though my father sent everything the next day. My husband
refused to confront his parents. I cried the whole day and felt like this is the end of everything. Now I
love my husband and he is good with me but I can’t forgive him for this ever because at that time, I
needed him the most but he supported his parents.
My parents have been harassed for dowry. I have been beaten so brutally that I had two miscarriages.
My husband is an alchoholic. My jewellery has been forcefully taken away and I have been thrown out of
the house. Since the last ten years, the case is going on in court. I have not got even a single penny of
maintainence in spite of the order passed by the court. My husband is free. My daughter is being taken
care of by my brother.
Such is the Indian system that I feel that I should end my life and my daughter’s life who is ten years old
now. She was ten months old when I started staying with my parents. My parents also live on rent. I feel
that my daughter and I are a pain for all. I am still threatened by my in-laws so that I withdraw the case.
I am helpless. I feel we should commit suicide.
married in the year 2006. A dowry of Rs ten lakhs and gold had been given. A few days after the
wedding, the groom started saying, “Your father has not given money as per our status. The wedding
ceremony was done badly and less goods were given.” My sister endured this. She had a daughter in the
year 2008.
After the birth of a female child, the ill-treatment increased. A few times, her husband, his father and his
two sisters together beat her up. And yet, my sister wants to live with him because she is an Indian
female and also for the sake of her daughter. So, we have now taken a protection order from the court.
I am a doctor and I am fighting for my divorce just because of the miserable dowry system. My husband
and his mother made my life hell within two months of the wedding. She forced me to build a house for
them since they were living in a rented house. There were many other demands. But I’m proud of myself
for taking a stand.
My lawyers asked me to take back my dowry harassment complaint saying that no one will be punished
in dowry cases. Within six months of our wedding, the torture began. They stopped talking to me, beat
me and threw me back in my parents’ home and did not come to take me back.
My parents apologised to my in-laws even though it was not their fault. My parents gave them a BMW
car on the wedding day. They bore all the wedding expenses. Even then, my in-laws demanded one kg
gold a few days before the wedding and so much more after the wedding.
I can remember the horrible first day I had at my husband’s home. It was the usual story – “Your father
didn’t give you anything”. This, even though my father sent everything the next day. My husband
refused to confront his parents. I cried the whole day and felt like this is the end of everything. Now I
love my husband and he is good with me but I can’t forgive him for this ever because at that time, I
needed him the most but he supported his parents.
My parents have been harassed for dowry. I have been beaten so brutally that I had two miscarriages.
My husband is an alchoholic. My jewellery has been forcefully taken away and I have been thrown out of
the house. Since the last ten years, the case is going on in court. I have not got even a single penny of
maintainence in spite of the order passed by the court. My husband is free. My daughter is being taken
care of by my brother.
Such is the Indian system that I feel that I should end my life and my daughter’s life who is ten years old
now. She was ten months old when I started staying with my parents. My parents also live on rent. I feel
that my daughter and I are a pain for all. I am still threatened by my in-laws so that I withdraw the case.
I am helpless. I feel we should commit suicide.