Page 19 - index
P. 19
I am a highly educated woman who works in a multinational firm in US. I have been a victim of abuse in
my marriage and have not been able to muster up the courage to leave. I really live in the hope that
some day, the violence would stop.
Domestic violence has been deeply rooted in my father’s family. My father still treats my mother as a
stupid and dumb person who should do as he pleases. He never lets her speak and always reprimands
her if things are not as per his standards. My sister and I grew up watching him throw things around the
house and my mom looking black and blue all the time. She still has a crack in her back bone - from
when my father kicked her - when she was pregnant with her first child.
My mother stays with me now and is so much happier and physically fitter. I do not know if I will ever
forgive my father. When he misbehaves with my mother, I tell him off. He is also the reason why I have
a temper but this situation has made me strong enough to never allow this type of violence to happen in
front of me. Until the men of our country stop thinking of themselves as the superior beings and women
do not stand up and say “no” to atrocities, society will continue to “allow” this violence to happen.
I live in Bangalore and am 21 years old. I have seen my dad hitting my mom until she bleeds. When I
tried to stop him, he used to hit me with a belt. I was in depression for the past six years. Two years ago,
when he hit my mom after getting drunk, I got so upset and hyper that I hit his head with my fist and his
head got cut a bit. I went mad hitting four to five punches on him. It actually released my pressure.
Nowadays, my dad hits my mom very, very rarely and he does that when I am out of the house. I think
that such fathers are mentally sick! I hate my dad and after watching your show, I cried very badly.
Thanks a lot for your episode on domestic violence.
When I was pregnant, my mother-in-law hurt me emotionally and physically too. My father-in-law says
that he made a mistake by bringing home a girl who has no brother. He says a brother-in-law would
keep giving gifts or dowry when you ask for it. My mother-in-law too had gone through a lot of domestic
violence and blackmailing from my father-in-law.
मं एक म्यमवगीय परिवाि से हँ . मेिे पापा अभी सेवानिवृ्त है . मेिी माँ एक हॉउसवाइफ हं . जब से मंिे मेिे माँ - बाप को एक
साथ देखा है तभी से वो एक - द सिे से झग़ते हए ददखे औि अ्सि सही बोल तो िोज मेिे पापा माँ को पपटते थे . तब मं बहोत
छोटा था औि मुझे क ु छ भी समझ िहीं आता था की वो ्य ँ माि िहे है औि माँ िे ्या ककया है जो पापा उसे माि िहे हं . मं भी
पापा से बहोत डिता था . हमेशा चुप - चुप िहता था . मुझे भी माि प़ती थी कभी - कभी .
अब मं २४ साल का हँ औि से्फ - एप्लोइड हँ औि जब भी मेिे माँ - बाप या बहिे शादी की बात निका्ते है तो मं टाल देता हँ .
मं अपिे आप को ये कहता हँ की याि ्य ँ खुद की आजादी को बबााद कर ँ पि सच बात तो ये है की मं खुद से झ ठ बोल िहा हँ ...
असल मं मुझे डि लगता हं की कहीं मं भी अपिी जीवि साथी को माििे या पीटिे िा लगु .
my marriage and have not been able to muster up the courage to leave. I really live in the hope that
some day, the violence would stop.
Domestic violence has been deeply rooted in my father’s family. My father still treats my mother as a
stupid and dumb person who should do as he pleases. He never lets her speak and always reprimands
her if things are not as per his standards. My sister and I grew up watching him throw things around the
house and my mom looking black and blue all the time. She still has a crack in her back bone - from
when my father kicked her - when she was pregnant with her first child.
My mother stays with me now and is so much happier and physically fitter. I do not know if I will ever
forgive my father. When he misbehaves with my mother, I tell him off. He is also the reason why I have
a temper but this situation has made me strong enough to never allow this type of violence to happen in
front of me. Until the men of our country stop thinking of themselves as the superior beings and women
do not stand up and say “no” to atrocities, society will continue to “allow” this violence to happen.
I live in Bangalore and am 21 years old. I have seen my dad hitting my mom until she bleeds. When I
tried to stop him, he used to hit me with a belt. I was in depression for the past six years. Two years ago,
when he hit my mom after getting drunk, I got so upset and hyper that I hit his head with my fist and his
head got cut a bit. I went mad hitting four to five punches on him. It actually released my pressure.
Nowadays, my dad hits my mom very, very rarely and he does that when I am out of the house. I think
that such fathers are mentally sick! I hate my dad and after watching your show, I cried very badly.
Thanks a lot for your episode on domestic violence.
When I was pregnant, my mother-in-law hurt me emotionally and physically too. My father-in-law says
that he made a mistake by bringing home a girl who has no brother. He says a brother-in-law would
keep giving gifts or dowry when you ask for it. My mother-in-law too had gone through a lot of domestic
violence and blackmailing from my father-in-law.
मं एक म्यमवगीय परिवाि से हँ . मेिे पापा अभी सेवानिवृ्त है . मेिी माँ एक हॉउसवाइफ हं . जब से मंिे मेिे माँ - बाप को एक
साथ देखा है तभी से वो एक - द सिे से झग़ते हए ददखे औि अ्सि सही बोल तो िोज मेिे पापा माँ को पपटते थे . तब मं बहोत
छोटा था औि मुझे क ु छ भी समझ िहीं आता था की वो ्य ँ माि िहे है औि माँ िे ्या ककया है जो पापा उसे माि िहे हं . मं भी
पापा से बहोत डिता था . हमेशा चुप - चुप िहता था . मुझे भी माि प़ती थी कभी - कभी .
अब मं २४ साल का हँ औि से्फ - एप्लोइड हँ औि जब भी मेिे माँ - बाप या बहिे शादी की बात निका्ते है तो मं टाल देता हँ .
मं अपिे आप को ये कहता हँ की याि ्य ँ खुद की आजादी को बबााद कर ँ पि सच बात तो ये है की मं खुद से झ ठ बोल िहा हँ ...
असल मं मुझे डि लगता हं की कहीं मं भी अपिी जीवि साथी को माििे या पीटिे िा लगु .