Page 28 - index
P. 28
Today, my neighbour beat his wife and three children. He came home drunk and beat her with his hand
and chappals till blood came out. He tried to throw a stone at his daughter too.
My mother hated her first husband because he and his family made her life a living hell. So, she
divorced him and went to US where she had a love marriage.
I have not received maintenence from my husband for the last five years. Even then, the court has not
taken any action and my ex-husband continues to torture me.
I am a mother of two sons. I lost my husband in a car accident and my father a day after my husband
died. I have struggled a lot after my husband’s death. My in-laws didn’t support me, made my life hell
and tried to destroy my image by portraying me as a bad woman.
I faced physical and mental torture and character assassination for more than 15 years due to my
husband. For the past one year, I’ve been suffering from health problems due to the tremendous stress
that I’ve undergone. I am highly educated but I did not leave my marriage because the laws of the
country that I live in (not India) will not grant me my sons’ custody. My doctors explained to my
husband that my health problems were stress-related. Now, he has changed and I am much happier.
My colleague was beaten and sexually abused by her husband every day and was also harassed by her in-
laws. Despite this, she was great at her job as a senior consultant in an IT firm in UK. She received a lot
of support from an NGO that helped her a lot during this phase.
After I got married, my in-laws forced me to leave my high-profile job for which I had worked really
hard. Soon after my wedding, I learnt that my husband was an alcoholic and then came the worst period
of my life – that of facing domestic violence, mental torture and what not.
I took the help of Alcoholics Anonymous and by God’s grace, today, after fighting alcoholism for two
years, my husband is sober. I am still fighting with my family hoping that they will allow me to work and
pursue my dreams. I also want to start an NGO in my city (Bhubaneswar).
I live in UK and I am a victim of domestic violence since 25 years. I now run a charitable organisation to
support victims.
and chappals till blood came out. He tried to throw a stone at his daughter too.
My mother hated her first husband because he and his family made her life a living hell. So, she
divorced him and went to US where she had a love marriage.
I have not received maintenence from my husband for the last five years. Even then, the court has not
taken any action and my ex-husband continues to torture me.
I am a mother of two sons. I lost my husband in a car accident and my father a day after my husband
died. I have struggled a lot after my husband’s death. My in-laws didn’t support me, made my life hell
and tried to destroy my image by portraying me as a bad woman.
I faced physical and mental torture and character assassination for more than 15 years due to my
husband. For the past one year, I’ve been suffering from health problems due to the tremendous stress
that I’ve undergone. I am highly educated but I did not leave my marriage because the laws of the
country that I live in (not India) will not grant me my sons’ custody. My doctors explained to my
husband that my health problems were stress-related. Now, he has changed and I am much happier.
My colleague was beaten and sexually abused by her husband every day and was also harassed by her in-
laws. Despite this, she was great at her job as a senior consultant in an IT firm in UK. She received a lot
of support from an NGO that helped her a lot during this phase.
After I got married, my in-laws forced me to leave my high-profile job for which I had worked really
hard. Soon after my wedding, I learnt that my husband was an alcoholic and then came the worst period
of my life – that of facing domestic violence, mental torture and what not.
I took the help of Alcoholics Anonymous and by God’s grace, today, after fighting alcoholism for two
years, my husband is sober. I am still fighting with my family hoping that they will allow me to work and
pursue my dreams. I also want to start an NGO in my city (Bhubaneswar).
I live in UK and I am a victim of domestic violence since 25 years. I now run a charitable organisation to
support victims.